Aim & Objective

To develop all round personality of the child on progressive lines by imparting integrated education, drawing the best from the Indian Culture and the traditions of the past. Instructing and helping them to acquire knowledge in Arts. Science and Technology of the present and guiding them for a comprehensive mental outlook and self confidence based on sound character to face the future.

J.K. Public School is known for the purpose of total education so that each student has the advantage that his/her life, leisure, as well as worked in planned with one sole objective in view of educating the child in the widest and fullest sense. In short to provide “Quality Education”.


  • To empower each student to succeed in life and contribute to the society.
  • To ensure that every student is inspired and prepared to be a passionate lifelong learner so as to be a productive individual in the working of local and global community.
  • To develop each child to his/her fullest potential spiritually, intellectually and physically, so that he/she may grow with grace, enjoy freedom through knowledge, and lead a healthy, productive and meaningful life.
  • To provide students with skills and exploratory experiences that enable them to reach their fullest potential as independent thinkers.